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Monday, January 24, 2011

The nasty word

I think one of the most hated words associated with fitness is diet. People are always saying I need to go on this diet or that diet. People make millions of books with suggested diets that promise to slim you down. While a lot of programs are legit, I think common sense is the best option.
My biggest hold up over the years has been carbs. Pasta, rice, bread... I want to go to there!!! I could eat whole loafs of garlic bread by myself. Might explain why most people don't close talk me. Endless bowl of pasta and the Olive Garden, not such a good idea. But seriously I think most people have this issue.
However, cutting out carbs isn't the solution, in my opinion. Although people should be getting checked for Celiac Disease. My mother-in-law had this, and I didn't even know what it was until I met my future wife.
I can't just give up on my favorite food. So, I didn't. Step 1, portion control. It's a harsh sounding term but when you look at what one serving on pasta is I think you'll be surprised. My guess is that most restaurants are giving you 3 to 4 servings of pasta per plate. At home you're probably eating the same, if not a little more. I know I did. Just 2 ounces is a serving. I typically don't like food scales, but this a great place to use one. Honestly it blew my mind to see how much I was eating.
Step 2, move to a whole grain option. Most people prefer the regular option made of unbleached white flour. However, this saps the flour of anything beneficial to your body. Why not get something out of what your eating. That's a whole topic in itself, which I'll talk about in the future.. eating to fuel your body vs. eating just for the sake of eating. When seasoned correctly the whole grain option doesn't taste bad. Yes, it is a adjustment But your health is worth it.
Well, that's all the rambling for now. Hope that makes some sort of sense.


  1. Portion control is HUGE for weight loss. I have a food scale and I've been using it for the last 5 months...add gym time to portion control and voila I've lost 45 pounds in 5 months :) I feel great! I look forward to your next blog.

  2. Wow, nice work Tara. I think with the way restaurants have blown portions out of control, people don't really know how big a meal should be. We've been trained to overeat. Anyone who doesn't think so needs to get a food scale and really see how much they are eating.

  3. I have always told people to simply eat less and exercise more. The most tried and true diet there is. Works every time. Portion control is huge for me. The other big thing that helps me is to slow down. Eat slowly and give myself a chance to get full. :-) Cool blog and way to go. I will be back.

  4. Yeah, slowing down is a great thing to think about. Another downfall of the fast paced world we live in. Thanks for the kind words. This keeps me a little more accountable to myself and hopefully it can help others too.
